
Stuck in B.C. lagoon for weeks, killer whale calf is finally free

Stuck in B.C. lagoon for weeks, killer whale calf is finally free

Descrease article font size Increase article font size At 2:30 a.m. Friday at high tide, B.C.’s orphaned orca whale calf, Kwee-sa-hay-is or Brave Little Hunter, swam past the sandbar her mother beached and died, under a bridge, down Little Espinosa Inlet, on to Esperanza near Zeballos. The calf has been stuck in a shallow lagoon

Hurricane Lee could be Category 5 storm as it races to the Caribbean – National

Hurricane Lee could be Category 5 storm as it races to the Caribbean – National

Descrease article font size Increase article font size Hurricane Lee whirled through open waters on Thursday as forecasters warned it could become the first Category 5 storm of the Atlantic season. Lee was not expected to make landfall while on a projected path that will take it near the northeast Caribbean, although forecasters said tropical storm conditions are

Calgary Zoo’s African lion dies during recovery from veterinary exam

Calgary Zoo’s African lion dies during recovery from veterinary exam

Descrease article font size Increase article font size The Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo is mourning the loss of Aslan, the 12-year-old African lion who died Monday while recovering from a veterinary exam. In a social media post, zoo officials confirmed that the examination was prompted by the “rapid onset” of symptoms connected to his previously diagnosed