Motorcyclist dead after collision in Toronto

Motorcyclist dead after collision in Toronto

A man has died after a collision in Scarborough on Tuesday. The incident happened at around 5:30 p.m. in the area of Markham Road and Eastpark Boulevard and involved a motorcycle and another vehicle, police say. The motorcycle rider was taken to hospital in life-threatening condition. He later died of his injuries. The circumstances leading

Hammer falls on Kanye West after he praises Hitler, posts swastika – National

Hammer falls on Kanye West after he praises Hitler, posts swastika – National

There’s no going back for Kanye West now, observers wrote on Twitter in the wake of his damning interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday afternoon. The controversial rapper and 2024 U.S. presidential candidate is facing widespread rebuke for espousing antisemitic hate on Jones’ Infowars podcast and then later doubling down by tweeting an