Police have charged a 22-year-old man with first-degree murder after a fatal stabbing on Hamilton’s east Mountain, believed to have been connected with some anger from a basketball game.
Officers were called to a home on Cadham Boulevard, near Rymal and Upper Gage, just after 10 p.m. Sunday amid multiple 911 calls.
Investigators say the victim, a 16-year-old boy, was stabbed to death by a family member during a family gathering.
Chief Frank Bergen characterized the incident as a “Canada Day celebration gone wrong” revealing the matter seems to be tied to a dispute over a sporting event.
“It would appear that they had gone out onto the basketball court and had some disagreements and some fallout from that game,” Bergen told 900 CHML’s Good Morning Hamilton.
“That led to that unfortunate interaction with two cousins.”
Police say the accused, Laureano Bistoyong, was found inside a vehicle a few kilometers from the scene Monday morning.
“The vehicle was not owned by the suspect, so a community member called the person in,” homicide staff sgt. Sara Beck said following Bistoyong’s arrest around 10 a.m. Monday.
She said the first-degree charge was laid after conducting several interviews with witnesses.
As per a request from the victim’s family, the name of the deceased is being withheld.
“Victim services (will) play a key role in managing that family moving forward, right up to assisting main court prep and being able to understand the impact of a trial,” Bergen explained.

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